Digitalize your Operation with the aid of MDEC Grant
MDEC has announced 4th IR Catalyst Grant (4ICG) on 19th May 2022, last submission date is on 30th June 2022
Quote from MDEC:
4ICG is designed to catalyse the use and development of IR4.0 technology into key business verticals as outlined in the National 4IR Policy. The grant will be used solely for the purpose of co-creation, problem-solving and commercialisation of 4IR solutions.ext Here
To support the scaling up of Malaysian-based technology companies into the global arena by way of co-creation, problem-solving, innovation, development and commercialisation of disruptive or innovative products or services for the global market in order to build Malaysian-based global icons
To Increase productivity, product/service quality, improve quality of life and preservation of ecological integrity of 10 key economic sectors and 6 supporting sectors of the Malaysian economy as outlined in the National 4th IR Policy
Since 2019, HEXA IOT has been developing IoT with AI capability, HMI, Traceability & Cloud solution for Manufacturers and Agriculture companies. Our solution is able to integrate seamlessly with ERP. You can email us at or call us at +60 12-973 4535 for more information.
Grant Amount
Local owned company: Up to 50% of total project cost or up to RM2 Million whichever is lower.
Foreign owned company: Up to 30% of total project cost or up to RM2 Million whichever is lower.
How to Apply
1. Interested companies can visit the 4ICG website for more information
2. Applicant to complete the 4ICG application form and submit the application form together with the required supporting documents and upload it at

3. Register and Login with your credentials to GAIN Awards Platform:

4.Click “Start Application” under My Applications

4.Select Department “Grants and Funding”
5.Select Program “4IR Catalyst Grant (4ICG)”
6.Provide your company details and upload your application form and supporting documents

7.Click “Submit Application” once completed (Deadline by 30th June 2022)
Hexa IoT Solution:

Manufacturing Solution

Agriculture Solution

Aquaculture Solution

Since 2019, HEXA IOT has been developing IoT with AI capability, HMI, Traceability & Cloud solution for Manufacturers and Agriculture companies. Our solution is able to integrate seamlessly with ERP. You can email us at or call us at +60 12-973 4535 for more information.